Voucher system good for Christian education

As a fourth-generation American raised in southwest Minnesota and living in the Rock Valley community for 50 years, our children and grandchildren have been well-served by both the community and Christian schools.
In discussing this issue with Mr. O’Donnell, I agree with some of his conclusions and disagree with other points of view.
First, it only makes sense that if funds are given to children in private schools as well as community schools while the state budget does not increase, there will be a decrease in funds for community schools.
Second, if funds follow the students and a child has disabilities, all schools should be required to serve students with disabilities. An added challenge for community schools is the legal obligation to serve children who may not be citizens.
However, stating that having tuition funds follow all students is going to subsidize so-called “wealthy” parents has no merit. One must also conclude then, that the state is also “subsidizing” wealthy parents of students who attend community schools.
Furthermore, I am aware of many parents who were not or are not wealthy but have chosen to sacrifice financially to send their children to Christian schools. These parents are also helping pay for the education of children in community schools through taxes. As the sixth generation supporting Christian education going back 100 years, we have accepted this as a fact. It does not mean that students in either school are better or smarter.

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