Two articles look to change Finance Committee

Two citizen petition articles scheduled for this fall’s Town Meeting look to alter the makeup of the Finance Committee.
The first, Article 29, wants to amend Chapter 2 of the Town of Winchester Code of By-Laws by amending Section 4.1, which specifically deals with the Finance Committee. It would change the composition of the committee, how members are appointed and their duties.
The second, Article 30, seeks to revise Section 4 of Chapter 2 by, among other things, adding in a new subsection known as 4.1.3a that deals with the reappointment process for current members.
The first article would alter the committee by changing the number of members from 15 to 11 and adding in they must be “registered Winchester voters who hold no other town office, but may serve as members of Town Meeting.”
Original language forbid Finance Committee members from holding another position within the town but made no mention of whether they could serve as Town Meeting members.
New language also changes how terms are staggered: the terms of four members “shall expire in the first two successive years, with the remaining three terms of office expiring in the third year.” Original language lists terms for five members expiring each year.
The article also states no more than two members from any precinct can serve on the committee concurrently and members can’t serve more than two consecutive terms. An appointment to fill an unexpired term won’t count as a full term for the person appointed.

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